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Iso Ts 16949

  The company has been involved for over 15 years in a process of certifying quality that has resulted in obtaining ISO 9001 in 1996. Certification specific to the automotive industry (ISO TS 16949) was obtained in 2004 for the first time and has been regularly confirmed.

This allows our customers to have a reliable assessment of organizational capacity and compliance of quality within the company and greatly simplifies the characterization of its suppliers. Internally, this standard also allows the retention of expertise, compliance with good manufacturing practice, internal training consistent, a constant process of continuous improvement and an ever greater involvement of staff in the quality of our products.

The quality tools such as statistical process control (SPC, R & R, Cpk ,...) or technical management and organization (FMEA, 5S, Kaisen ,...) can be implemented by where applicable. A metrology laboratory equipped with monitoring equipment is located in internal coordinate measuring machines of different sizes (up to 1500mm long): Zeiss PMC 850 Meter LK 4 and DEA Sirocco; Roughness Mahr, power monitoring and Etamic Marposs ...

SAPAIC ZI de Quincieux 69650 Quincieux - France - Tel : +33(0)4 72 26 37 73 - Fax : +33(0)4 78 91 12 12